message posté le 8 mars 2015 à 00h37
aie aie, c'est pas bon du tout çà, moi et mes millions d'habitants
pourtant ce jeu peut etre magnifique, même le nouveau cities skylines, je sens que, çà va être une grosse déception.

aie aie, c'est pas bon du tout çà, moi et mes millions d'habitantspourtant ce jeu peut etre magnifique, même le nouveau cities skylines, je sens que, çà va être une grosse déception.
'Moving Forward
Since the release of Cities XXL we have been attentively monitoring player feedback.
Cities XXL is the best version in the Cities XL franchise, developing a new engine design for better performance, offering new mod-exporter tool, opening the franchise to the Steam Workshop and bringing new content to the wide array of Cities XL content. Thus, it is the biggest technological advancement since our first release of the game, creating a solid foundation to build ever and continuing improvements to the Cities XL experience.
We are proud that Cities XL has enjoyed a faithful community since its original release, we wanted to invite this community to this new chapter of the game by offering a 50% discount. However, we acknowledge that there are players who are not happy as they were expecting a different content, and we want to try and make that right.
Going forward, we will offer CXXL players the planned DLCs of the game for free. We’ll provide more information about these DLCs in the coming weeks, but be sure we’ll continue supporting the game, as these DLCs will bring more content, and also meaningful improvements to gameplay – and we hope you will continue to share your ideas and inspirations with us!
While we believe Cities XXL is the largest and most complete Cities XL experience to date, we’re going to be working hard on making that even bigger at no cost to early adopters.
We value your feedback, and we’re listening.'
Artica vous attend, sur le forum et sur le wiki !