Hi everyone! As you all know, we recently announced a closed Beta for SimCity! Got some questions about it? Well, we got some answers.
Q: How do I enter the Beta? A: Easy! Just sign-up for the Beta at www.simcity.com/beta. Space is extremely limited and entrants will be chosen on a random basis.
Q: When will the Beta program begin/how long will it last? A: We’ll be revealing more information about this soon, so hold tight. In the meantime, keep checking backwww.simcity.com/beta for the latest info.
Q: Where do I find my DxDiag file on my computer? A: Simple! Just follow these steps: Click Start -> run -> enter dxdiag -> let it launch and wait for the small progress bar to finish. -> click save information at the bottom -> save the txt file and then click "Browse" on the Beta page to find the file you just saved.
FYI: This file is used to check your system specifications, so make sure to use the file on your preferred gaming system.
Q: Will there be a Beta for the Mac version? A: No, the Beta is for PC only.
Q: Is this a Marketing beta? A: Definitely not. All the feedback we gather from the Beta will actually play a big role in determining how the team tunes and polishes the game. The Maxis studio takes player feedback super seriously, so this is your opportunity to help us improve the game.
Normalement je dirais donc peu après la GamesCom
Jeux de gestion addict!
message posté le 16 août 2012 à 20h10édité le 17 août 2012 à 21h29 par dave8888 [membre]
Une vraie info : un test d'un mec qui était à la GamesCom :
Reedit.com a écrit Hi guys,
sorry to keep you waiting, it's quite busy here at gamescom Also sorry for not providing any pictures, but taking photos was forbidden at the booth and I wanted to respect the wish of Maxis. Besides, I was afraid they'd kick me out
I have been playing SimCity 5 at the Maxis booth, where they have set up a 20 minute demo of the game that ended with a meteor crash. I have been playing the demo four times: First, I did the tutorial that they set up, which led you through some easy steps: protesters in front of the city hall. They were demanding that I connect the city to the adjacent highway. Afterwards, other speech bubbles were popping up around town: Build a power plant, build water towers, build a school etc. This was a good introduction into the game, but for me as a experienced SC player, it felt a little shallow. To be honest, my first impression while playing the game was very different from playing SC4 and I was a little bit let down by the first playthrough.
But this initial bummer was gone when I started my other runs: The other times, I skipped the tutorial and went straight to the action. But what is this??? No rails? No Bus? No highways? I was shocked!!!
But I was just being dumb: They have a new interface at the bottom, which had subcategories that I first didn't see. The interface looks great and is intuitive with a special twist: Once you click on roads for example, not only are you in the build menu, but you also have access to corresponding data layers - in this case the traffic layer, the pollution layer and so on. And let me tell you this before diving into your questions: The game is not as deep as SimCity 4, at least from what I could gather - But this lack of depth was made up for when you realize that the simulation is really great. The data layers are just awesome and I wish I would have a picture to show you their glory. There were data layers for almost everything: Happiness, Income, pollution, sewage, water, efficiency (radius) of civic buildings and many, many more. I can imagine that the old-school players among you might not be happy with their first impression of the game since the look and feel is quite different from SC4. At least it was like that for me. But once I found the data layers, I was really, really enthusiastic.
Anyway, the tl;dr of my playthrough is this: I was a little bit let-down at first since the game looks and feels different from SC4. But after some time with the game, I was rather enthusiastic and would have kept on playing and playing if Maxis had let me
an honest commentary on the ratio of plop to plot. also whether choosing a city type is an explicit choice.
It was just like in the previous SimCitys: All zones (R, C & I) were plotted, Civic buildings were plopped. The building editor also plopped when you built enhancements there, like extra garages for the police station. So don't worry about too much plopping, it will be like in SC4. And it was possible (though a little fiddly) to bulldoze everything, so you shouldn't be commited to an explicit choice.
What is the "single-player" experience like? For the conservative players (read old-school) amongst us - how does it translate in comparison to previous editions?
The demo was set up on some kind of server (they had to reboot it after some play sessions), but it was essentially a totally singleplayer experience. I was never bugged with anything "social" or "connective". I felt like in my own little town, though I cannot say anything about the final game in that matter. Possibly, the SimCity World will be more prominent in the final game, but in the demo, I was totally in my own little space.
As for the comparison, it is hard to tell. At first it felt strange, but once I found the data layers and the beauty of the simulation, it really felt like a true SimCity. It was defnitily less realistic and not as micro-managy as SC4 was, but it was very deep when you looked for the details. And it was defnititely not comparable to SC: Societies, since that felt like a totally different game. Not so for SC5. Some may think it is too cartoony, with all the speech bubbles popping up, but those little details made me feel much more connected to my sims. In SC4, you were like a detached god looking over the city, in SC5 I felt more like I was a part of it. I really liked that, but I can imagine that it is not for everyone.
I would love to know how the services (medical, education, police etc.) zones are set up. In SC4, You plopped a school down and it had a radius around it that showed who it serviced. Has that changed? I think it would be great if you could create a customizable service area for schools and hospitals (think staff zones in Roller Coaster Tycoon)!
It was kind of like in Cities XL: The reach is calculated by the amount of time the emergency vehicles take to reach their destination. So essentially, the more intersections you have, the shorter the reach of the building was. The width of the roads did not have an influence on the range, I tested that extensively. Funny sidenote: The police station had a radius of its own, but the patroling cars also spreaded the reach. The data layer became green in realtime where the cars were driving. The more police cars I added to my station, the more green area was "driving around". It was really neat to watch.
I would like to see how much of that greenspace you can get rid of. Try to get buildings close to the street, I would love to see if you can pack a lot of urban design into this, vice everything having it's own 10m bubble around it of sidewalk and lawn.
Just like in SC4, the size of the lots was determined by the AI, trying to fill everything as good as possible. You build roads and the system puts lots of different sizes along the roads. Some lots had more green area, some had less. So I guess that once you know how to "trick" the system, you can get rid of most of the green areas. Also, larger buildings had less green, just like you would expect it.
Also, I want to see if you can build a community on a hill. suburbs winding up mountain sides would be good.
We had only one city in the demo, which was rather flat. But the way I see it, building on slopes should not be a problem, the road building system looked pretty adaptive.
finally, with the editor, play with that, do you find it to be like lego, or can you actually put together some pretty complicated stuff. Something prokissmo or somy would do, is it possible?
I tried it on the garbage plant and the police station. At the garbage dump, you could lay out dirt roads alongside which you could put extra dumps. Also, you could add extra garbage trucks and an incinerator, editing all that was horizontally, not vertically. Not so for the police station: I build a cell block on top of the building and another cell block on top of that cell block. I wanted to stack another on top, but the game wouldn't let me. I didn't have time to test the editor more than that but it looked very flexible. I could have built the cell block on the ground beside the building too for example. It really looks like a fun addition and it should also satisfy the craving for more micro-management.
Can you build narrow roads, buildings close by, alleyways to hide car traffic. Think of any major walkable cities downtown core (except most american cities, they are pretty spaced outl)
This is tricky, but should be possible. If you build the roads in the right shape, the buildings are standing very close to the street and have not much green space. The only quirk is that the size of buildings is coupled to the road width. So you would need avenues there to get an american Skyscraper "canyon", which would space out things a little bit more. But it should definitely be possible with some clever layouts.
Tell me if we, the simcity 4 enthusiasts, will enjoy it.
This is a tough one. From what I've seen, the game is less of a transit simulator and concentrates more on the relationship between you and your sims. Maybe this was only my impression because in the demo, all other transit options besides roads were greyed out. I cannot say anything to this question as a final answer, because I only saw a limited demo but I will tell you this: I liked what I saw. It was definitely different, but it felt like a true SimCity after getting used to all the new stuff. I would have needed much more time with the game to really give an answer that would be fair to the game and to you.
Stick it on a USB and share it with us
I still cannot believe that they gave it to me, but they said that they really like the way that I'm doing this questionaire for the community. So, behold, THE DEMO OF SIMCITY 5 FROM GAMESCOM!!!
can you please find out about agriculture and farming? I have seen no farm kind of things yet and I'm curious if they are going to include it at all, or it iti will be a "stepping" stone like it was designed to be in SC4 to get to small cities.
In the demo, there was no farming and agriculture. Other items in the interface were also "still under construction", meaning they were blocked for the demo. But acriculture was not even in there as a placeholder, so my guess would be that it isn't in the game. But don't count on it, they could still be adding that afterwards.
edit: I have reached reddit's size limit for a post, so I'll continue in part 2 later.
My name is FerryV and i just came back from GamesCom 2012! The first thing I did was running to hall 6 were half of the hall was build up by EA. And wow what a amazing stands. My favorite: SimCity off course. So I went in line and waited 2 hours. This was the longest I waited for a game at GamesCom. I was amazed how popular SimCity is. In line I watched all the trailers and studied the whole stand with the amazing art. Finely it was my change to experience SimCity and I can tell you the following:
Guys and girls. Its going to be a great game!!! We played the alpha version (not beta) with a basic prebuild city. Off course there was a lot wrong with the city (no power, no water, no fire stations, not enough housing etc.) so I had 20min to rebuild the whole city and watched it got destroyed in the end by an meteor shower Because it was an alpha version a lot of building/mass transit etc wasn’t available. This is more than logic but still Maxis gave me a real good feeling were the game is going to. This is what I discovered/experienced in that 20 minutes:
- building road (and bus stations)
The first thing I had to do is connect my city with the regional highway. I had 2 options to build my connections: Straight road or Curvy road. There was also an 3th option showing but not available. That looked like an zone function. I think it’s going to be the same function as SC4 automatic roads when zoning. I have to be honest that the curvy road system wasn’t flawless. But giving it’s a Alpha version completely logical. But the roads worked pretty good and looked pretty fine. I also build 3 bus stations and upgraded the bus stations with extra capacity. Because I build this more in the end I didn’t had enough time to really explore all the possibility’s (sorry for that one)
- Zoning
Yes zoning! No plopables! (only government buildings) And I was amazed by it. Here the glassbox revealed itself. If you build a plain road and then go to the option zoning you will get automatic zoning on the road. So even when your roads are curvy and makes no sence the zoning will figure it out. The best part about this was that I didn’t had to figure out exactly how the zoning will fit within the curvy road and I didn’t had any empty space! (like Cities XL) It was such a joy seeing the housing, commercials and smelly industry growing. My residential neighborhood was with a lot of gardens and green. But the houses closer to the commercial zone were more dense and were as my commercial area more of concrete. It was beautiful. Not like you see on the trailer with high skyscrapers and a grass garden around it. Now I must say I didn’t had really skyscrapers yet because the city wasn’t big enough yet. And for the people that want to control their own zoning completely. I could bulldoze everything pretty easy. And not all the zoning possibilities where available.
- Popable (with upgrades)
This is the best part I think. You can transform all your plopable building and transform them as you dement them to. I build the following: Coal Plant, Windmill Farm, Fire station, Bus station. All of the building had unique add-ons. Some of them you could plant around your building (see also trailer were they build a school and putt dorms around it) In my case I build a fire station, put a bell tower on it. Build an extra garage on the other side of the street and put a nice flag pole next to it J With the windmill I made 2 classic windmills (not the hypermodern you’ve seen on some screenshot from Maxis) and I build a nice sign that it was a windmill park in front of the building. Next I made dirt road from the office to the windmills for the maintenance truck. At this point I realized the game is going to be deep enough for SimCity builders.
- Water tower (and groundwater)
When I build my water tower I got the water table of the map. I build it on a splash of dark blue water instead of light blue water. This off course the get a higher output of the tower. Right away I seen the water run down the city. Finely not wasting my time on water pipes anymore! J At this stage I got also involved in the next item:
- Graphs
In the older SimCity I used my graphs a lot in combinations with the famous minimap. In this version Maxis does it different. The whole map interact in what you want to see. So I click on fire risk and seen that one house was burned down and was now rubbish and that there were some warnings at some local factories. Next I switched to density and the whole city went white (buildings) and circle towers in different colors where shooting out of my city. I could see right away were all the people work, sleep, shop etc. It was very clear and much better than before. Than by accident I clicked on a car that was driving over the street. Guess what happened:
- Cars, citizens, agents and routes etc.
When you click a car it give you information about that car. Who is driving it. Were that person lives and were he is going to! It was so cool to see that the agent system from glassbox really is there. This gives an extra deep dimension to control your city and its transport system (if you want to micromanagement) But luckily the agents found their way also by themselves. So one of the cars that I followed didn’t took the shortest route (through my nice green residential zone) but was driving a bit around it on my bigger avenue. Soon my avenue got some bad traffic jam at the big intersection with the commercial zone. Suddenly I seen some care (not all) sneak around it through my nice neighborhood. I don’t want that off course, so I build even an even bigger avenue (the one with the light rail in the middle) now the traffic was getting this as preferred road.I didn’t figure out a way to upgrade the road, but then again I didn’t put much effort in it (had nice empty space) and I could not work with the light rail because at this point my time was up. I also think that the light rail didn’t work yet in this version.
- Graphics
OMG it was already beautiful. And I cant wait till the final result. For the first time in SimCity I really love the night time. I build my power plant by accident in the evening and blink blink blink.. all the lights in the city were turned on. It was amazing to see. And because not all are burning and some go off or on it really looks realistic. Well maybe realistic isn’t the right word because as you know SimCity works wilt tilt-shift. My brother found it looks like a bit cartoony because of the tilt-shirt. That its looked a bit more like sims and not like SC4. But still disagree with him. I feld like I could really see every detail in my city and still see everything that’s going on. But then again I love good tilt-shift movies. How suddenly a real life big environment still keeps all its details but looks like you can play with it like Lego.
- Disasters (meteor shower)
I’m not a big fan of disasters. Why would I destroy a perfect city?! But I guess it’s a part of SimCity and a lot of people like it. Well the meteor shower was a nice ending and it looked pretty amazing. Maxis/Dr Vu destroyed all recently build cities in one click. Maybe it was better this way because I really wanted to take the city home with me. Now it was destroyed it was easier to go outside of the stand.
- 20minutes and feedback
Because I only had 20 minutes I tried as many things as possible in that period of time. But every SimCity player knows how fast time goes away with that game. The thing I regret the most is also the time shortage I had. I really hope the beta comes out soon and hopefully (fingers crossed, wink to Maxis) I will be selected as a beta user. In this story I described my experience as accurate as possible. If you still have questions for me about my experience please ask. I will try to answer them as good and quick as I can. But remember I only played 20 minutes (way to short Maxis!!) So I only experienced a tip of the iceberg.
As last: The computers were SimCity was running on was behind closed doors. Cameras were not allowed and they were made sure nobody was filming anything. I think they did that just to tease everybody that was not there. So im sorry I dont have any nice vids/screens. Also I didn’t talk to anybody from Maxis. So I had no change to ask my questions / give my feedback to them. If maxis still want my feedback they know how to contact me. But for now: Thanks Maxis, you did a really great job. Thanks everybody for reading my story and please give me feedback.
FerryV (origin/simtropolis accountname)
Ps. My native language is not English as you can see and I am dyslectic. So sorry for the mistakes and please read over them. If you don’t understand a part please also leave feedback,
Pss. Just reminds me: I did no terraforming / nor did i seen the option
Psss. I build one beautiful park out of 4 options i had. I didnt check if that was upgradable
SimTropolis a écrit
PostTopGun232 a écrit View PostTopgun232, on 16 August 2012 - 11:58 PM, said:
Well this is all very informative. Sounds like you had a rather satisfying experience. But I'm still a little skeptical, despite all the positive feedback you just gave.
I might have missed some things in your review though.
How big was the city tile? Did they say all tiles are a fixed size or does it vary?
Yes it was a satisfying experience. Also i was skeptical till a couple of days before GamesCom (last trailer did me good as well) You still miss alot in my review because there is just to much to write. After this i will post an email i just sended to a other SimCity fan (he sended me some qestions for Maxis @ GamesCom)
But for now your questions first:
- My City tile was not that big. Forgot to write that in my review. But only prox 20% was build so i have more than enough space for 20minutes. I didnt fill it all up. If you compare it with SC4 it was between a small and medium map. But it still was clearly a alpha version. I didnt even had a region or something yet! But hopefully this anwser your question. The bad part was that i didnt talk to Maxis There were a couple of people walking arbound making sure you didnt took pictures and explained to the rookies how to build a road. Those guys couldnt anwser any serious questions.
The tiles were kind of automatic in size. I build the roads, and said were i wanted zoning and what kind of zoning. The zoning its self was done by glassbox. The positive side is that you dont have any empty spaces (like Cities XL \ As also seen in trailer Maxis) negative side is that i dont know if and how much control of zoning i will lose with this system. Because i didnt play long enough en again its only an alpha version you cant really tell it yet. For my first City in the new engine it didnt bother me. It even surpriced me (because i didnt like the empty spaces in the trailer) If you have anymore qestions please aks.
Read your comment box! http://www.simcity.c...oad-to-Gamescom Thanks for helping out Internet People for demo next week for FAQ. I have my below.
I hope English Lang American is ok.... here is questions below
1. I want to know if there is Sewage/Waste Plants can reduce water ground pollution in SimCity kind of like in SimCity 4.
2. Are we able lay down City Substation Power Centers from Main Power Plants without dragging all those power lines?
3. Are we getting see Rain/Weather to recycle water in the ground so resources don’t dry up?
4. What kind stadiums are we having like Baseball Stadium, Soccer, I did see the new Arena Stadium with Monster Cars.
5. Are the Main Roads are easy to upgradable from Side Street, to Avenue Street and for Highways are they both Above Ground and Ground Highways with On/Off Ramps?
6. Are Metro Light Rails, Heavy Rails have Above Ground to Ground and Underground Tunnels?
7. Are we able to Turn Off Camera Effects?
Hey SimFan281,
I came back from GamesCom 2012 and i played the alpha version of SimCity 2013! Because i wanna share my experiance with other fans i posted my review on simtroplis and simcity.com (see links in end of the email) Unfortunately i didnt speak anyone from Maxis. So i coundnt ask any questions The only things i could anwser is based on own experiance.
1: There was a water cleaning plant but i couldnt build it (locked) so yes im almost for sure you can reduce water pollution
2: I didnt drag one powerline! The whole city got powerd by agents. Same was water. But ive also seen powerlines in the trailers. Maybe a funny detail for you: i build 2 powerplants in my city. A coal and a windmill farm. both were in other area's of the city. I even upgraded my windmill farm. Great experiance! 3: Didnt see any rain. Hope there is gonna be. dont want to run out of water.
4: I had a couple of parks at my desposal (only build one im sorry) but there was a basketball field and a soccer field if i remember well.
5: I coudnt figure out a way to upgrade. So dont get you hopes up to much. I also think its difficult because the roads / avenues had different sizes.
6: Wasnt included in this version yet. Only a (probably) still non functional lightrail on avenue.
7: Didnt see that anywere. But i have to say it works pretty nice (mouse + keyboard)
Hopefully this anwser some of your questions. Again thanks for your questionair. I will also post this on Simtropolis so other can read it as well.
Jeux de gestion addict!
message posté le 17 août 2012 à 12h44édité le 17 août 2012 à 13h38 par dave8888 [membre]
Grosso modo : Le concept SimCity World ne sert à rien qu'a faire du social gaming... et le jeu ne serait actuellement pas très bon
GameKult.fr a écrit Assez de promesses, l'heure est venue d'enfin prendre ce très attendu SimCity en main pour faire nos premières grosses erreurs de gestion dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Sur le papier, les concepts de la série n'ont évidemment pas trop changé : il s'agit toujours de tracer des petites routes (droites ou courbées), de remplir des petites zones et de pester comme un marin lorsque la moitié de la ville perd l'accès à l'électricité après l'explosion d'une centrale énergétique. Malheureusement, on ne peut pas dire que le jeu d'Electronic Arts nous ait particulièrement séduit lors de notre essai : la création de zones est devenue bien trop guidée et rigide, même chose pour le tracé des routes, l'interface était aussi moche qu'envahissante avec ses gigantesques boutons, la direction artistique donnait plus l'impression de bâtir une maquette aux couleurs pastels qu'une véritable ville et l'ensemble avait l'air d'un gros didacticiel hyper tenu par la main... voire même d'un jeu Facebook par moments. Le mot est lâché. Difficile évidemment - et heureusement - de se faire une idée sur un Sim City après quelques dizaines de minutes passées à remplir des quêtes données directement par nos habitants, mais on espère vraiment qu'il ne s'agissait là que d'une présentation volontairement abrutie pour contenter les profanes en visite à la gamescom. Bref, vivement une éventuelle prochaine rencontre avec le jeu pour nous donner tort parce que, dans l'état, ce SimCity ne nous a franchement pas donné envie.