Bah le vocabulaire est assez compliqué pour un élève de 3°, bien que, sans me venter, j'ai un niveau plutôt élevé au niveau du vocabulaire. SI tu veux je veux bien te filer un extrait, tiens :
• Early on, enact the Legalize Gambling ordinance to bring in extra cash. You will see
an increase in crime, but it won’t matter on a small scale that’s easy to cover with
a few Police Stations.
• If you go §100,000 in the red, you’ll be impeached.
• For most city sizes, keeping your taxes at nine percent has no effect on demand,
though altering it in either direction will; the larger the change, the larger the effect.
As the city grows, this “neutral” tax rate will drop to eight percent.
• Civic buildings can be funded via the Query box at each building (“local funding”).
Reduce funding to cover current demand and check back for changes. This will
save you money.
• Do not fear loans. If your city is in the red and you can’t cut expenses, a loan may
be your only way through tough times. Also, financing an expensive but beneficial
capital improvement project (such as building a Subway) is a good reason for a loan.
• Bulldozing RCI buildings and many Rewards, Landmarks, and Business Deal
Buildings costs a fortune! This is meant to encourage the preservation of old
• Beware of repealing ordinances that impact demand. Getting rid of them could send
demand into the negative.
• When analyzing demand, don’t rely on the averaged RCI Demand Meter. Instead,
click on it to see RCI broken down by developer type.
• Build and zone gradually, especially early on. It can be tempting to go with the
demand for space in your city, but resist the temptation; more Sims obligate you to
provide more services that cost money every month.
• Building in corners gives you cheap access to two neighbors (after you establish real
neighbor cities). Until then, connections go to SimNation.
• Fill the map with low density before laying a tile of medium or high density. As
density increases, tax revenue per occupant drops. Therefore, a large city of low
density yields more revenue than a geographically smaller city of the same population
with high density.
Déjà avec Reverso, c'est plus clair que un dictionnaire [ qui ne te donne que la définition, finalement, si au moins il te disait comment l'employé et où le poser dans la phrase
mais ça prend du temps ( le temps de copier le texte du .pdf, puis de le coller sur Reverso, puis copier la traduction sur un Word, puis corriger quelques erreurs ( toutes ça relève de l'impossible, à la main bien sur ), enregistrer dans un dossier pour que ça soit bien classé etc... ), mais lire puis chercher dans le dico le mot et la bonne définition, tout ça sur 481 pages, sachant qu'il y a plus de 500 000 mots ( Word indique le nombre de mots, 50 pages font 126 000 mots et des poussières, et Word n'a pas supporté le copier/coller du reste. )... : le site de rigolade numéro 1
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