message posté le 8 sept 2010 à 22h20
édité le 8 sept 2010 à 22h27 par manchou [membre]
J'ai trouvé quelque chose sur l'UI File mais pas grand chose
et j'ai pas tout compris
Et heu je connais rien au language C/C++
mais j'aimerai bien en savoir d'avantage, je fait les changement justement pour voir comment ça marche !
EDIT: je sais aussi que le TGI d'un UI file est celui-ci : 0x00000000 ; 0x96A006B0 ; IID de l'exemplar

UI stands for User Interface. These files control the visible interface you use in the game. UI's are basically a modified XML file. Most of the properties of the UI's are known, but the main IDs which link the functions of the various things together are not fully known yet.
The GID is different to GIDs on other files. Most UI files GID are 96A006B0. But if the UI is for a specific screen resolution then you put the screen resolution as the GID. Many of the Maxis UI files including the main mayor panel is designed for a 1024x768 or larger resolution but it doesn't fit inside a 800x600 window so a separate UI file was made and the GID of it was 08000600. Note the resolution is not converted to Hex.
Et heu je connais rien au language C/C++

EDIT: je sais aussi que le TGI d'un UI file est celui-ci : 0x00000000 ; 0x96A006B0 ; IID de l'exemplar