message posté le 17 déc 2009 à 19h11
Très sympa

Warconstruct -- Lot & TSC --
Mes villes :
Province de Trieste
Port Aux Captes
Province du Zillerthal
My SC4 2006-2014..
Members of ITC. It has been my pleasure to work with you over the last year or so that I have been Team Leader.
I'm writing today to annouce that ITC will be retired as an active team. I am stepping down as Team Leader, and, as I have not heard from anyone who would want to continue on in this position, I've requested that the team become inactive. Your thread will be moved to the appropriate areas of the BAT/Lot/Mod Projects boards for when you next need them. If anyone would like to carry on as a team, it is just a matter of submitting a completed copy of the Team Questionnaire to the Admins here at SC4D. Again, thanks for all the work you've done. I've seen some fine works produced and I wish you all luck in your individual endeavors here.
Les tours en projet à la Défense. Lien pour l'équipeTSC
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