message posté le 2 juin 2009 à 23h31

Through the paths of reality
Through the paths of reality
Je pense que c'est par rapport aux dépendances politiques
Qui aura eu le dernier mot ? Eh bien c'est moi ! :-)
Jeux de mains, jeux de toulousains!
Through the paths of reality
Mes villes Cities Skyline : Mes villes Cities Skyline,
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Trudheim (état de Thorrius),Fédération de Thorrius 2006-2014,
y'a pas d'ours en Antarctique!!!
ce pourquoi j'aime Tokyo...
<<Ce n'est que quand l'homme aura tué le dernier animal,coupé le dernier arbre et pollué la dernière rivière ,qu'il se rendra compte que l'argent n'est pas comestible "- Indien Mohawk.
Swine flu closes two schools in Cairns
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Teachers' union worried about swine flu school closures
Posted 9 hours 43 minutes ago
School officials started contacting families last night to advise them of the school closures.
School officials started contacting families last night to advise them of the school closures.
The Queensland Teachers Union (QTU) says it has concerns about the State Government's handling of school closures because of swine flu.
The Government closed the Warwick and Cairns high schools for a week to prevent the spread of the virus.
It is the third school closure in Cairns after a high school student was diagnosed with the virus.
Last week, three students at St Mary's College and three at St Monica's College in Cairns were confirmed with having the virus.
QTU president Steve Ryan says members are pleased the Government is taking the risk seriously, but they do not understand why the health of teachers does not seem to matter.
"We're in fact finding that at both schools closed today teachers are meeting, so there are some concerns from a health point of view," he said.
"The other issue is an educational one - students and parents are being advised that schools will provide schoolwork via the website, email and mail, and that's not as easy a task as what it might appear."
Confusing advice
A parent from Warwick in south-east Queensland says the advice she has been given on the closure of the city's state high school is confusing.
Warwick State High School has been closed for the rest of the week as a precaution after a student, whose sibling has swine flu, showed symptoms of having the illness.
Mother Tania Robertson says she was called by a teacher last night and is keeping her son at home for the next couple of days.
But she says parents have been told it is not necessary to keep their children at home, even though they are not allowed to go to school.
"They told them 'no, as long as they keep the hygiene up and need to wash their hands and stuff like that they didn't have to stay at home' - I find that quite weird," she said.
"If you're going to stay at school wouldn't you actually stay away from the public."
The principal of Cairns State High School, Trevor Gordon, says he hopes students will stay at home to avoid spreading swine flu.
Mr Gordon says the school will consider adjusting exam timetables if students are disadvantaged by the closure.
"We needed this like a hole in the head for our year 11 and 12 students - their exams start on June 15 and that's just six days away," he said.
"So for grade 12 students in particular, they need to keep themselves busy and if they've got any problems, make sure they contact their teachers by email."
Meanwhile, the Queensland Government says authorities are at airports today to advise passengers from Victoria about swine flu measures.
Children returning from Victoria are also being asked to stay away from school for a week.
Health Minister Paul Lucas has told Parliament that Emergency Management Queensland has staff at various airports, including 13 at Brisbane Airport.
"They are meeting flights arriving in Queensland from Victoria to provide advice directly to passengers travelling with children on the new arrangements," he said.
"This is only a temporary measure in place to aid those parents with children returning from State of Origin or other visits, who may not have noted the extensive media coverage or have been advised by their school.
"Schools are circulating advice to all parents today."
Mes villes Cities Skyline : Mes villes Cities Skyline,
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Trudheim (état de Thorrius),Fédération de Thorrius 2006-2014,