message posté le 7 mars 2012 à 22h12
Les graphismes sont bons.
Comment peut-tu juger les graphismes alors que ce ne sont pas des images en jeu?

Les graphismes sont bons.
Join the Maxis development team on Reddit tomorrow from 12:00 – 3:00 PM as Ocean, Dan and Kip answer your questions on SimCity and the revolutionary GlassBox engine!
Alucard XIII a.k.a. Benjamin Crewz - Fondateur des Lamas D'Or TSC
\|/ Isle Royale de Lithanie : Justitia - Pietas - Fides \|/
Crewz Gaming - Squad 29
In the name of God, Impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen.
Alucard XIII a.k.a. Benjamin Crewz - Fondateur des Lamas D'Or TSC
\|/ Isle Royale de Lithanie : Justitia - Pietas - Fides \|/
Crewz Gaming - Squad 29
In the name of God, Impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen.
Q. Will we see a return to the relatively sophisticated planning required in previous titles, or just another example of the dumbed-down, "casual" gameplay we've seen in SimCity Societies or the Cities XL franchise?
R. Great question! The integrity of our simulation is first and foremost – without a good simulation under the hood the game wouldn’t hold your interest. Yesterday Ocean, Andrew, and I gave a presentation at GDC explaining exactly how our new simulation engine, GlassBox, works. Here’s a recap of the talk that took place yesterday:
Q. Is this an admission that Societies was a dopey casual game, and that this will be back in the classic vein?
R. [Ocean] Maxis didn’t develop Societies – we did SimCity 2k, 3k & 4 (and the original of course!)
I’m not going to bash Societies, but I will say that this new SimCity was built from the simulation engine up, and is the one that I wanted to make after I finished working on SimCity 4.
Q. Maybe I missed it in all the released details but I am hoping there is an offline mode that is full featured with region play similar to SC4. Online play is a nice gimmick and could prove to be really interesting, I would just prefer the option to play offline and develop my region of neighboring cities when I want. I'm getting tired of games that work perfectly well on their own as solo play trying to force online play. Its fine to have as an additional feature but your primary focus should be the strength of the game at its core; a powerful and robust city builder that can be enjoyed for hours/years without the need to be online.
Also what are your plans in regard to custom content development? I'm sure you're aware of the communities that have been supporting SC4 all these years with not just cosmetic but game improving mods. Releasing a product that ignores this will be a huge disappointment to those most dedicated to the franchise.
R. [Ocean] Yeah, like SC4, you can build out a region by yourself, and make all of the cities serially. There are lots of players who just want to control their own world, and they don’t want anybody to interfere with it. But even those solo players are going to be participating in the flow of resources that constitute the core of the games economy – the economic landscape that they’re operating in will be shaped by the actions of other players, even if they are only playing solo. In addition, there will be regional challenges and opportunities that you’ll be competing against other regions for. So you can play by yourself. More social players can play with their friends and accomplish more, faster, but that’s their choice.
As for custom content – think back to SC4 - first we just need to get the game out, and make everything work robustly.
R#2. [Andrew] We've addressed this elsewhere, but I just want to repeat, single player is definitely still a big focus. And if you want to play all the cities in a region yourself, that's absolutely possible. I think there's some research somewhere showing that, even with strictly multiplayer games, people wind up soloing for the majority of gameplay hours, so you're not alone!
R#3. [Andrew] As we said in the talk yesterday, we're very much aware of and appreciative of our mod community. We don't have specific plans yet beyond general good intentions, and the fact that we're using similar tech to our previous games. Basically, stay tuned.
Q. The only reason I played Sim City was because it was amazingly detailed and you had complete control. I tried to play Societies and just quit after 30 minutes, it was awful. Please let Sim City 5 be a return to what Sim City should be about!
Q2. Societies was great for a few hours and then it was boring. The best moment I had in that game was when I built a trailer park next to a dive bar with a gun range down the street. It was great to see the little sim sit in his lawn chair outside his trailer, walk into the bar and then wobble down the street to the gun range.
Q#3 SimCity MMO is a retarded idea. I don't want some 12 year old shit head messing up my cities.
R. [Andrew] I think the reaction to SimCity Societies made it pretty clear that something was missing, and we're looking to bring back that 'secret sauce' in the new SimCity. Where we can though, we're definitely interested in getting those kinds of vignettes in there to bring life to the city. We started down that path on SimCity 4 with our automata system, and we're making further strides within the current game.
R#2 [Kip] I can relate to you on this one, since I have a 12 year old myself and have seen firsthand what’s she capable of when playing online games. This SimCity is tailored to many different player’s and play styles. You can choose what’s right for you when planning out your city or region. You can choose to play in a region entirely by yourself, being the Mayor of each city. Or you can open up cities and invite your friends, so it’s a more controlled environment. If you’re feeling adventurous, hop into quick play and join others in a preexisting region. It’s really up to you.
Q. (Aucune)
R. [Kip] Trust me when I say the base game is going to be loaded with content. We wanted to give our hardcore fans an opportunity for something extra if they decided to pre-order the game. We came up with the Heroes and Villains for our hardcore fans. Inspired by SimCity lore, Super Sim or Maxis Man as he’s sometimes called, was first seen in SimCity 2000. We decided to bring him back in a much bigger way in this SimCity.
The Collector’s edition is jammed packed with content. We have 3 new landmarks that will serve a function in your game, helping to boost tourism. They will also influence the building around them. The base game will include plenty of landmarks as well.
To clarify, the Limited Edition is a pre-order special of the base game and priced at $59.99, just like the base game. The Collector’s Edition is an Origin exclusive, priced at $79.99.
Q. I have seen reports that you are taking out all the tables/charts and other hardcore aspects for the next game... PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. It is so much easier to just leave them in the game and put a "simple mode" on for newbies and let hardcore players enjoy their statistics and such!
R. [Dan] There’s no lack of data present in our simulator, we’ve been experimenting with playful ways of representing that data to the player. That doesn’t mean you’ll have any less detailed data on your city, in fact, in a lot of ways you’ll be able to explore your city data along other dimensions that weren’t possible with previous SimCities. We’ve taken a lot of inspiration from modern data visualization techniques/style and we’ve built in the notion of ‘data layers’ into the game. For example, if you want to know everything about how power is flowing through your city, you can click on the power data view, you’ll be able to see electricity flowing down the wires, buildings will change colors representing power stored, plus you’ll get global stats about your cities power system (output/usage, etc).
Q. To go a little further with this question, will there be different difficulty levels so that those who want sophisticated challenges and micromanagement will get it, and at the same time those who want to just casually build up a pretty looking city can also do so?
R. Well, you’ll be able to build up a modest and attractive city without too much trouble, but the simulation is going to start pushing back at you and you’ll need to respond to it. You won’t need to respond by building a huge teeming metropolis! But you will need to respond. Cities are dynamic, with dynamic problems.
But I should say that we’re avoiding “micromanagement”– you’re not going to be setting the price of burgers in the diners in your city. [Ocean] You’re going to be making the infrastructural and economic decisions that will drive the state of your city. And it’s really important to us that you can see what the simulation is doing – that way the simulation can be sophisticated without becoming mysterious or opaque. If you can see the cause and effect relationships, then you can respond to your city.
De la même manière, le modding pour les objets en 3D est une autre paire de manche. Ne vous attendez pas au même miracle que pour SC4.
Artica vous attend, sur le forum et sur le wiki !
Alucard XIII a.k.a. Benjamin Crewz - Fondateur des Lamas D'Or TSC
\|/ Isle Royale de Lithanie : Justitia - Pietas - Fides \|/
Crewz Gaming - Squad 29
In the name of God, Impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen.