message posté le 26 janv 2012 à 19h21
Jusque ou iront les gouvernements?
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Hi Google!
2 website are illegal. I explain the problem:
The problem is that my name contains the letter "a", and this letter is in the compagnie name "Universal". There's a "o" too. And Warner Bros didn't ask me if since I'm alive I give them the right to use these letters.
So I please you to delete these websites immediatly from the search Index according to ACTA that claim I need to judge. And as it said, your must delete it on my request even if you think I'm wrong. Only a judge can say the contrary. And then I will bring them to the court. But until a judge says something else you have to block these websites.
Thanks you for your total collaboration.
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Alucard XIII a.k.a. Benjamin Crewz - Fondateur des Lamas D'Or TSC
\|/ Isle Royale de Lithanie : Justitia - Pietas - Fides \|/
Crewz Gaming - Squad 29
In the name of God, Impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen.
J'aime beaucoup cette video
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In the end I trust
mon deviantart
Alucard XIII a.k.a. Benjamin Crewz - Fondateur des Lamas D'Or TSC
\|/ Isle Royale de Lithanie : Justitia - Pietas - Fides \|/
Crewz Gaming - Squad 29
In the name of God, Impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen.
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Le FBI planifierait une serveillances des réseaux sociaux.
Tient ça me rappelle un film: La Vie des autres (Das Leben der Anderen). D'ici 3 ans à ce rythme on y est sauf que ça sera uniquement pour ce qui est sur internet.
J'aime beaucoup cette video
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Artica vous attend, sur le forum et sur le wiki !