message posté le 29 janv 2010 à 01h01
Merci à vous

Bla bla bla ...
Bla bla bla ...
J'osais pas trop le poster avant l'annonce de la fin du mode online mais ce mail tourne depuis quelques jours :
My name is Quentin Leullier, Business Developer for Monte Cristo Multimedia.
Monte Cristo is a well established video game company based in Paris, which has developed and published over 30 titles distributed worldwide during the past 15 years, for PC and consoles.
In 2007 the company decided to focus its resources on developing and bringing to market the first MMO city-builder, called “Cities XL”. This product has been supported by leading venture capitalists for a 7M€ investment.
Despite today’s economic turbulences, Cities XL has reached close to 100 000 players within 12 weeks (outside of the US) and 12 000 MMO subscribers (with monthly fees) in 4 months. Unfortunately, it is less than anticipated and these numbers do not allow Monte Cristo to maintain its current activities. As a consequence Monte Cristo has been placed under “Chapter 11” protection.
There is now an opportunity to acquire parts or all of Monte Cristo’s assets to strengthen your own business.
The main assets of the company are:
* Cities XL IP and future sales potential: the company is currently working on a 2010 edition (based on reviewers’ and players’ feedback) that will be supported by a minimum of 3 add-ons by Q2 2010.
* A list of active back catalogue titles and some well known IPs.
* A management team with heavy industry experience, which has worked since the early nineties at developing business on a pan-European level (sales and marketing, product sourcing, development…)
* A strong know-how in developing and operating MMOs in several languages (platform management, community management, web editorial, support services, billing etc..) with staff coming from leading companies.
* A second to none city-building specific technology with the core people to develop the next generation of city-builders and port the genre to console if needed.
* Proprietary game engines which can be used as a basis for serious gaming applications (Cities XL and Fire Department)
If you think there is an opportunity for your company to leverage Monte Cristo’s expertise, please feel free to contact me directly. Should you be interested, we will provide you with more detailed information.
Best regards, Quentin.
Stop de dire que c'est un changement de stratégie murement réfléchi... la boite n'a plus de cash, c'est tout.
Bla bla bla ...
J'ai trouvé ca sur J Online. L'auteur ne cite pas ses sources, mais je trouvais ca intéressant... et peut-être un peu épeurant...
Community Manager MonteCristo
Mais comme nous l'avons déjà annoncé précédemment l'aventure Cities XL continue: le développement sur le jeu solo se poursuit activement
--== GER ==--
Monte Cristo has been placed under “Chapter 11” protection
Your thursday night trance treatment with : ASOT & GDJB
Tu m'as dit: «Le noir, l'arabe, le blanc ou le juif sont à l'homme ce que les fleurs sont à l'eau »
Je me demande si je ne devrais pas acheter le jeu aujourd'hui pour pouvoir avoir CXL 2011 gratuitement..!
Tu m'as dit: «Le noir, l'arabe, le blanc ou le juif sont à l'homme ce que les fleurs sont à l'eau »