Patch 2 encore...

message posté le 27 mars 2003 à 19h13



  • membre
  • France
Voici le texte de l'article paru sur Simtropolis :
****Edit by Simjez - Thought it would help if I just posted the full copy here:

Hello Fans,
We here at Maxis are still in the process of fine tuning, testing and generally making sure that this patch delivers on your biggest concerns. It has been a tough wait for you but we really want to get this right. A million thanks for your ongoing patience and good humor as we ask you to wait just a bit longer. The thing we are focusing on right now is how can we get the most out of our performance updates. Your feedback has helped us greatly with this goal.

Recently we posted an informal survey asking your opinion. As part of the process for addressing performance issues we posed this question. Would you rather have faster zoom and scroll at the expense of slower loading buildings? The many responses we got convinced us that we need to allow for both. To do that we are going to enable you to choose the rate (low, medium or high) at which the background loader loads buildings. This will enable you to tune the settings for your specific machine.

In addition, we have observed that some machine configurations can result in sluggish performance for cities that are populated with lots of buildings. Due to the huge number of buildings that are loaded into RAM we are going to provide an option that will allow you to control the number of buildings that will appear in your city. The benefit is that there will be a significant RAM savings resulting in better performance. We are particularly pleased with this solution as it will allow those people with performance issues related to RAM to benefit from this optional setting. We believe you will be pleased as well.

Once again, thanks for hanging in there with us. We are working hard to make this happen as soon as possible. We'll keep you posted on further developments.

MaxisLucky, CoxFromMaxis and the SimCity team

message posté le 27 mars 2003 à 19h21



  • administrateur
  • Montréal
Ici même, il y a qque temps, j'ai posté le texte original provenant du site officiel... et pour avoir un maximum d'info, va voir sur le site officiel... dans la section BBS (forum) dans les posts «help» et «general» les gens de Maxis expliquent bien de quoi il s'agit!



Tu m'as dit: «Le noir, l'arabe, le blanc ou le juif sont à l'homme ce que les fleurs sont à l'eau »

message posté le 28 mars 2003 à 04h52



  • membre
  • Montréal,Canada
En gros, ils vont faire un patch pour ceux dont la machine
ramme . Ils vont améliorer le chargement de buildings qui sont situés dans le RAM (mémoire vive) C'Est ca que j'ai compris et je crois que c'est le principal après une bonne lecture en diago.

La patience n'est pas une vertue quand on se laisse marcher dessus.

message posté le 28 mars 2003 à 10h21



  • membre
  • France
Merci à vous !!

message posté le 29 mars 2003 à 00h11


Yavé pas aussi un truc du genre grosse avenue a mi-chemin entre route normal et autoroute dans la patch 2 ou c seulement une rumeur ?

message posté le 29 mars 2003 à 06h45



  • membre
  • Montréal,Canada
Ouais j'en ai entendu parler moi aussi.

La patience n'est pas une vertue quand on se laisse marcher dessus.