Le regard du monde et des médias sur la sexualité a t'il changé ?

Quelle est votre séxualité ?

  • Hétérosexuel 67% 74 votes
  • Homosexuel 11% 12 votes
  • Bisexuel 16% 17 votes
  • Asexuel 5% 5 votes

112 votes, dont 4 votes blancs

message posté le 2 oct 2008 à 21h12


Le calmar

  • membre
  • Sherbrooke-Montréal
Un candidat aux élections canadiennes affirme qu'il faut tuer les gays (désolé c'est en anglais) Et c'est même pas dans l'ouest réputé conservateur, mais à Sudbury en Ontario! Comme quoi il y a du travail à faire.

Kill gays, candidate says

High school debate audience shocked; fellow candidates say nothing



SUDBURY — Police are investigating whether an independent federal candidate committed a hate crime by telling high school students homosexuals should be executed.

David Popescu was invited to participate in a federal candidates' discussion at Sudbury Secondary School yesterday. He made the comment after a student asked his opinion of gay marriage.

Within hours, the Greater Sudbury Police Service said they were investigating.

"We are actively conducting a criminal investigation in this matter," deputy police chief Frank Elsner said.

The police service plans to share its evidence with the provincial Attorney General's office, which will provide direction on whether or not a criminal charge is warranted. More than 200 students gathered in the school's auditorium to hear candidates from the NDP, Liberal Party and the First Peoples National Party.

Popescu introduced himself with a public prayer, blaming environmental damage and economic unrest on the wickedness of society. His comments were met with silence as some students grimaced and shifted in their seats.

Near the end of the more than two-hour event, students were invited to ask the candidates questions. As a long line of pupils waited to speak, Popescu told a young female student who asked about stem cell research that, "God would hurt" those who had an abortion.

The crowd jeered and many rose to their feet in protest after Popescu answered another teenager's question on gay marriage.

During a telephone interview later in the day, Popescu reasserted his view.

"A young man asked me what I think of homosexual marriages and I said I think homosexuals should be executed," he said. "My whole reason for running is the Bible and the Bible couldn't be more clear on that point." Candidates and teachers looked on in silence as students called for him to be "cut off." Despite their outrage, the discussion moved to other topics.

Paul Camillo, principal of Sudbury Secondary, emphasized the school's inclusiveness in his closing remarks but did not condemn the statement.

"We're here today to hear what the candidates have to say," he said in an interview. "As an inclusive school, we respect all other opinion although we may not agree with them — and I know there were definitely some things said today that we don't agree with." When Sun Media-owned Sudbury Star later requested a comment on the controversy from the Rainbow District School Board, the board directed Camillo to provide its response, rather than the board's chair or director of education.

Camillo said he could not state whether Popescu would be welcomed back to Sudbury Secondary, as a candidate in a future political debate.

An advocate for the Sudbury Gay and Lesbian community said while Popescu's extreme views are well known, he has never said something "so extreme." "He's not simply saying that lesbians or gay men are mentally ill or somehow deviant or criminals. He's saying we should be subject to the death penalty," said Gary Kinsman.

"I think sometimes violence and hatred towards gays and lesbians gets dressed up in sort of a religious guise and is somehow tolerated. I just don't think it should be tolerated at all." Kinsman was particularly concerned the comments were made before a group of young people.

"There are lots of young people in high schools in Sudbury who are struggling with their sexualities. Often times, it's pretty hard time for them," he said. "To say something to young people is pretty terrible."

message posté le 2 oct 2008 à 21h13



  • membre
choquant :choc:

message posté le 2 oct 2008 à 21h28

La Bible ? J'aimerais être en face de lui pour lui dire que ce n'est qu'un ramassit de conneries.

message posté le 2 oct 2008 à 21h36



  • membre
  • Nantes
On a le droit de tuer les cons? :aie:

message posté le 2 oct 2008 à 21h38



  • membre
  • le mans
C'est assez effrayant de voir et de lire ce genre de propos.Mais bon,après chacun à sa vision des choses,même si celle là est très débile et inconciente. :???:

Après Gaylorse voila Dretons: membre de la CNAC.
Venez visitez Le Mans sur ce site.

message posté le 2 oct 2008 à 21h55


The Urban Mountain

  • membre
  • Suisse
tritri a écrit
La Bible ? J'aimerais être en face de lui pour lui dire que ce n'est qu'un ramassit de conneries.



message posté le 2 oct 2008 à 22h17



  • membre
  • Quelque part entre mer et soleil...
Faut quand même être un sacré dérangé pour prôner la mort de quelqu'un juste par différence de... point de vue... :pff:


message posté le 3 oct 2008 à 01h10



  • membre
  • Montréal
Ce candidat bien que choquant, est un indépendant qui ne ramassera qu,un minimum de voies aux prochaines élections. Par contre, ce que je trouve encore plus choquant est le fait qu'il ne se soit pas trouvé un seul de ses opposants dans le débat pour réagir et prendre la balle au bond pour faire valoir les valeurs d'ouverture qui sont censées être les nôtres.

"Oncques ne fauldray...jamais ne faillira"
Homo Platoregimontis

message posté le 3 oct 2008 à 15h40



  • membre
atlantiscity a écrit
On a le droit de tuer les cons? :aie:

Je pense pas mais j'avoue que ça me démange !

---------------------------------------------------- . . . . -------------------------------------------------------
Plus puissant que la violence , le Respect !

message posté le 3 oct 2008 à 16h03



  • membre
  • Montréal
On est tous le con de quelqu'un d'autre. Remarquez que ça règlerait le problème. Plus d'humains : la planète serait sauvée !!

"Oncques ne fauldray...jamais ne faillira"
Homo Platoregimontis