Voilà, j'ai été sur le distreet machin chose, je me suis inscrit et téléchargé gmax, me suis fait envoyé un e-mail avec normalement le code d'activation dedans mais il n'y est pas !!
Il me parle juste de ce que je peux faire avec et non comment l'activer!!!!![snif]
Si vous vous savez, pouvez vous m'aider???[triste][confut]
Tu n'as pas un code de marqué quelque part , je ne me rapelle plus très bien mais il me semble qu'il était vers le début du texte en petit ( ou en bas de la page) ,...enfin c'était dans un endroit qui n'était pas habituel. Tu pourrais nous faire un print pour que l'on voit....SINON si j'arrive à remettre la main sur le miens je te le passe....enfin si c'est légal.
Merci pour la réponse mais je ne trouve pas comment prendre une photo du message!!
Comment on fait!!??
En tout cas voilà le texte du message:
message de turbosquid: a écrit
Dear cmoilucass,
Thanks for taking the time to register and become an official member of Turbo Squid! As the fastest growing library of 3D and 2D content in the world, Turbo Squid offers its members an unprecedented ability to cut the cost and time out of 3D production. Now that you are a member, some of the features you can take advantage of are:
Purchasing and downloading 3D models, textures, motion capture, stock photography and more
Evaluating and purchasing Autodesk Certified Animation Plug-ins
Uploading your own 3D files and other products to our servers
Being paid monthly for any sales of your products
Downloading your own products whenever you want as a personal archive
Receiving our newsletters
Posting in our message forums
Turbo Squid was created by a group of former 3D production folks who decided to make a company that would solve the issues in our own production process. Depending on the project, this could be a need to buy reasonably priced models to make an insane deadline, to get cheap background objects so we could focus on the fun and creative stuff, or to continue making money from our work after we finished the models and animations. Our mission is to create a service and community which provides value and enhances the "3D ecosystem" for all artists.
If you have any problems or difficulties using our service, or would like to make suggestions for improving it, we'd love to talk so please contact our support department.