Oyé oyé le patch RH est pret

message posté le 25 nov 2003 à 21h46



  • membre
  • Montreal/Canda
Youppi pour la version européenne :D
J'ai bien hâte de terminer ma journée de travail parce que est barré dans l'entreprise :-(

message posté le 25 nov 2003 à 22h53


J'ai lu tout ce que le patch apportait de nouveau et je peux dires qu'il me le faut sans tarder...

A+ avec des commentaires


message posté le 26 nov 2003 à 00h33



  • membre
  • Mougins, France
Bon, ben j'ai installé la bête :-)

message posté le 26 nov 2003 à 01h09



  • membre
  • France (41)
je suis , pour l'instant et encore pour 15jrs , en 56k chez moi j'ai mis une heure pour le telecharger ! lol !!

--== GER ==--

message posté le 26 nov 2003 à 01h26



  • membre
  • chaville
Courage GER !
sache que tu apprecies d'autant mieux les 15 Mo et ce patch une fois installé !

Maire à ses heures perdues...
- blog du maire -

message posté le 26 nov 2003 à 01h27



  • membre
  • France (41)
ho mais c'est fais ami ioda installé , testé , joué... j'ai enlevé le mods transit Bug Fix pour les intersections de route ( création de ronds points )... car si je ne m'abuse ça fais double emploi ?!!

--== GER ==--

message posté le 26 nov 2003 à 01h32



  • membre
  • Mougins, France
OUi, c'est vrai, regarde moi, j'ai du mettre 5 minutes à le télécharger :D

message posté le 26 nov 2003 à 01h36



  • membre
  • France (41)
schniff :-( ( vivement le haut debit chez moi ) ... bon... vous en pensez quoi de ce petit patch ? heu .... ce gros patch 15Mo quand meme

--== GER ==--

message posté le 26 nov 2003 à 04h18



  • administrateur
  • Montréal
Je le télécharge et je vous en reparle... demain sans doutes...

heu.. p_Martin... ? où t'as eu des infos sur ce patch? je vais voir sur le site officiel... mais j'en ai pas trouvé ce midi...


Tu m'as dit: «Le noir, l'arabe, le blanc ou le juif sont à l'homme ce que les fleurs sont à l'eau »

message posté le 26 nov 2003 à 05h58


Voilà tel quel sur le site off.

EP1 Update 1 - Release Notes

Update: 1.1.638.0
Date: Friday, November 14, 2003
Update Size: 16Mb

Performance Improvements

Corrected X-ray shadows on camouflage tank for U-Drive it mode.
Adjusted foam spray effect for firefighters fighting toxic spills.
Addressed issues related to U-Drive it mode while volcano disaster is active.
Fix for random issues that may arise when dragging a diagonal power line across zones in specific manner that creates a connected orphan pole in a segment.
Renderer updates to avoid memory corruption when model instance has an invalid position.
Updates to paths to improve clipper that was transforming stop points into single-point paths.
Video card improvements for the following:
Intel i830/845/865: Fixed graphics rules to allow hardware and to disable color cursor.
Addressed issues related to burning tree stump.
Fix for airplane sometimes taxiing above the airfield.
Implemented safety code for query.
Fix for relatively obscure problems that occur when moving vans are created on a tile with a complex paths.
Implemented a general-purpose fix for any remaining yet-to-be-discovered cases of a bad orientation vector.
Fix for issue where networks loaded from a saved city would not properly re-initialize their connection bitmap.
Updated Localized strings.
Updates for My Sim messaging. The issues would arise when moving a My Sim out of a city at just the right time.
Fix for reported location of sky diving mission.
Fix for query incorrectly reporting trip length after abandonment.
Fix for incorrectly reported commute time during inter-city travel.
Path fixes for various networks and intersections.
Texture fixes for several one-way/avenue intersections.
Fix for several network intersection resolves.
Improved usage of parking lots and transit stations.
Improved synching of foundation vs. building height.
Improved variety of industry building development.
Fix for intercity commute where bus traffic was periodically being treated as car traffic.
Fix for being able to drop highway ramps over buildings.
Adjusted toll booth capacities for 2-tile wide toll booths.
Fix for prevention of pedestrians from using neighbor connections.
Fix for elevated train volume not being reported in the traffic volume graph.
Fix for commercial traffic and road noise map calculations to accommodate multi-tile morning and evening commutes.
Added left turn lanes to avenue/highway overpass onramps.
Fix for priorities of props and textures in lot templates used in city detail.
Fix for variety of path bugs related to roads, rails, highways, avenues and elevated rail.

Sorry but i don't have time translating this in French maybe someone on this forums... :D
